Looking for a Giant Killer Digital cable

Hello all,

I’m looking for a Budget ‘Giant Killer’ RCA coaxial cable to connect my Oppo 203 to a DAC for music playback.

Can someone suggest something currently available in the $50 to $150 price range?

If however your experience says some new Optical cable in that range is as good or better, please, by all means do mention it as I could go either way of course!

A 1M to 1.5M will be sufficient.

Huge thanks!
Chris Somoviggo makes some of the best and best value true 75ohm cables there are -- his current entry level SilverStar is $222 but you could look for one of his products used (although I don't see any of the entry level currently out there)

Thanks. I have a BNC by Oyiade 1.3M I like a lot. Full and smooth while being extended and with quite sufficient bottom end.

I’ll look into what’s up with them currently. Thanks again. Good call.

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Natch! But ya gotta get in where ya fit in sometimes too.
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yeah. Mostly. PM me. I’ll fill ya in.
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I recall that name. was he behind the Streovox ultra thin steel cables? I bought one of those and it was OK. a tad edgy back then but did well with most well done recordings. It sat on my USB to BNC stick thingy. Hell, I can’t even recall what its name is. Hahaha
The Oyiade BNC wire replaced it eventually.

> $200 though, is gonna be off limits for me I think for this particular operation..

A bit more and you could have a real giant killer, the Standard BNC with RCA adapters.  $275.  Here are jitter measurements:


Steve N.

Empirical Audio