Paradigm Persona B Loudspeakers Professional Review

I met Jerry Seigel at the RMAF this past October and had a quite lengthy discussion with him on audio reviewing in general. He was very nice in person and not what I expected. I never mentioned this to him, but I always felt he liked everything he auditioned.

Not so for the Paradigm Persona B loudspeakers. I won’t bore you with the specifics of the review as you can read it online, but he summed it up as he couldn’t wait for the audition to be over. The words bright and brittle kept being mentioned in the review and he gave it 2 LP’s out of 10. I have never heard these particular speakers, but I have always felt that Beryllium speakers were too bright for my taste and that is what he seems to say in the review. I am looking forward to what The Audio Doctor has to say about this as he always seems to be pushing their top of the line Persona speakers in these pages.

Has anyone heard the Persona B speakers and what do you think about them? I was actually thinking of a 3rd system in the spare bedroom with some kind of stand mounted speakers. I believe these speakers will be off my review list.
All speakers benefit from being connected to the "right" components based on how they're voiced. I have great respect for your knowledge Audiotroy, but I submit your talk about the Personas created unrealistic expectations for me. Although I think they are very good, I submit many speakers in their price range sound just as good in the "right" system. 
Dear Ricred1, the issue with your demo might have been the demo setup, with that being said, the Personas are amazing loudspeakers if you value what they do which is creating a holographic soundstage, overall resolution and tight deep bass they are hard to beat especially for the price.

We told you that the Monitors in some ways are better, which is image size and overall impact, the larger physical size of your speakers makes for a big powerful sounding speaker.

It all comes down to what specific virtues you  value most image size, vs a smaller more focused yet still big sounding loudspeaker with a greater amount of overall clarity which is why we told you to keep your loudspeakers.

If you visit us and listen to our Persona 9H setup I think you will see the merits of what this design brings to the table vs many other similarly priced loudspeakers, with the voicing of the Personas they are very equipment setup critical, not more so then other similar high resoloution  loudspeakers but for them to really shine you  have to really have the right set of gear, or the speakers will not sound anywhere near what they can sound like when everything is right with them.

What equipment was on them when you heard them and how big was the room?

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

My opinion is a little different than yours. I didn't hear a "greater" amount of clarity compared to my system. I took several CDs that I'm very familiar with... Again, the 7Fs sound very good, but I didn't hear any details that I haven't already heard. Is it possible that even if the Personas were setup perfectly I could prefer another speaker? 
You may have a far better setup.

What electronics, source, and cables were they using?

Worth noting the guy who wrote the review (Jerry) was selling the Personas a few months ago and said some very different things at the time, that he thought the Personas were better than the Focal Sopra 1s. Quite a backflip he's made.