Kenny, no, Geoff's statement that only one direction of the AC current is audible is completely incorrect. As I said in one of the recent fuse threads:
Best regards,
-- Al
... when AC current is moving toward the component in the "hot" conductor it is moving away from the component in the "neutral" conductor. And vice versa. So it is moving both toward and away from the component at all times. And a mains fuse is in series with the current in the neutral conductor as well as being in series with the current in the hot conductor, via the primary winding of the power transformer.So if in fact Audioquest's control of the direction of the wires in their power cords provides any benefit, it is not for the reason Geoff stated.
And simultaneously, as I'm sure you [Geoff] will agree, energy is being transferred unidirectionally, toward the component at all times, in the form of an electromagnetic wave comprised of photons that is distinct from although intimately related to the AC current....
I will have no further comment on this matter.
Best regards,
-- Al