I must say I was perhaps a bit too harsh on US. Most of my experience was based on 10%IPA +0.1% PhotoFlo for 10min at 70% power, 33C, 3rmp, and then a US rinse with DI water to get rid of the crappy PhotoFlo "plastic"sound. Now I’ve cleaned about a dozen of Lp’s using 5%IPA + 0.05% Tergitol, 15min, 70%, 33C, 1rpm, and apart from the record I happened to use for tests (which turned out to be problematic), the rest does show v nicely quiet background with very much reduced amplitude of clicks n pops compared to what I’m used to. I did not take the time to listen inbetween initial vac pre-clean and the US clean, so this subjective opinion is based on the final result of my vac+US+vac cycle (which costs me an arm and a leg - I can’t do more than a dozen Lp’s per day). All in all, at this moment I can say US can be efficient but not out of the box (in the DIY version) - quite some experimentation and tuning needed.
PS I’ve found a 0.5um polyprop filter to better filter the solution....and ordered a Keith Monks record brush to perhaps improve pre-clean too. What I’m failing to find is a small (4-5W) 0.3-0.5rmp motor in EU.
PS I’ve found a 0.5um polyprop filter to better filter the solution....and ordered a Keith Monks record brush to perhaps improve pre-clean too. What I’m failing to find is a small (4-5W) 0.3-0.5rmp motor in EU.