Dear @chakster : Professional or pro industry works with " tools " according to its needs. Technics, Denon, EMT, etc figthed for that market and that's why appeared the SP10s or the DP100M with built-in phonopreamp/speaker. Before these models and along other names that market was extremely competitive due the grow up of that market all over the world not only in Japan.

The pro-model manufacturers wanted to take as many  costumers as they can with more atractive items for that partuicular kind of customers where they need it  trusty/confident items with the capacity to works 24 hours seven day a week year after year with very low maintenance. All these means high build quality but they were not looking for the penultimate accuracy in the frequency response or cartridge tracking habilities or to be truer to the recording.

No one of them used top cartridge models as : Accuphase AC-2 or  Audio Note IO or Audio Technica AT1000. Tonearms as the own Technics EPA 500 or Audio craft or Micro Seiki.

SAEC tonearms are very good looking tonearms that were builded with very high quality excecution but never been and never be a top tonearm design because that bearing type in the audiophile market where pro-industry does not belongs. Forgeret about but if you want to really know on the 506 then buy one and finish your " story " where you made a no-sense conclusions.

Better than that please do it a favor and due that you listen mainly to 7" size recordings then take this alignment parameters for your 64FX tonearm that will give you the lower tracking error with the lower distortion levels for a 7" recordings :

 P2S: 238.55mm   ; offset angle: 15.294° ; overhang: 8.45mm

the alignment is Löfgren A ( Stevenson gives no single advantage even with this special alignment. ) dedicated for that size recording and only as an example the tmaximum racking error goes down from: 1.9°-2.1° to only 0.36° that's outstanding and then way lower tracking distortion levels.

I hope your tonearm permits to mount it and mount the cartridge exactly with those parameters.

Good luck,

All in all honesty guys, all of these old Technics, Denons, EMTs, etc. are clunkers. Some of you are very passionate about them and that inspired me to try a few for myself. They’re just barely okay. Modern turntables such as Michell and SME and many others are significantly better.

Better than that please do it a favor and due that you listen mainly to 7" size recordings then take this alignment parameters for your 64FX tonearm that will give you the lower tracking error with the lower distortion levels for a 7" recordings :

 P2S: 238.55mm  ; offset angle: 15.294° ; overhang: 8.45mm

the alignment is Löfgren A ( Stevenson gives no single advantage even with this special alignment. ) dedicated for that size recording and only as an example the tmaximum racking error goes down from: 1.9°-2.1° to only 0.36° that's outstanding and then way lower tracking distortion levels.

Thanks, maybe i'll try it. 
At my home listening sessions i'm 90% with LPs as you lazy guys, so i can relax and listen to the full side of LP. But when i'm playin out or abroad i'm with my vintage original 45s (from the 60s and 70s). 

I'm curious about those professional japanese tonearms, some of them are very expensive and very rare. In theory i'd like to know for sure why did they used special alignments. I can't believe they were "stupid", because Baerwald alignment is very old and very well known even in japan. I'm trying to understand the special needs those pro manufacturers served for the consumers (broadcast studios etc) at that time. Hope we will find the truth.     

@chakster If Fox Moulder wasn't able to find the truth, then what chance do we have?
Invictus, Please be specific.  What Technics/Denon/EMT turntables, exactly, did you "try"?  What was the context?  On what grounds would you say that the Michell and the SME turntables are "modern"?  Neither brand has changed their product line much in probably 25 years, or more.  Are you really saying that you don't like turntables that are not belt-driven?  If so, say so.

You are entitled to your own particular set of preferences, as are all the rest of us. What upsets me is your consistent need to denigrate that which you have not chosen to love; in your case, it's anything not made by SME.  It's OK to be in love with SME.  Just know that the rest of us have had our own experiences which have led us to different conclusions regarding equipment we've chosen to live with long term.

People often get upset with Raul for his very frank opinions, but at least Raul always provides specific reasons to support his assertions, which often leads to lively and interesting, if heated, discussion. Furthermore, his taste is far more catholic brand-wise than yours. Your puffery leads nowhere.