Stand mount loudspeakers

Okay with all the new stand mount loudspeakers out there which ones specifically should I audition for a smaller room? Please give details. Thanks!!!! I'll be looking at a whole new system so I'll be matching the rest of the system to the speakers I choose.
I own them, one of the 1st pairs, Europe took 90% of them. 
This next run you will see much more of them  and reviews to follow.
I have the matching stands put a  small container of plumbers putty in the bottom packed down with stick then graphite coated shot 12 lbs per speaker then washed play sand  then more putty top  before securing top thst bolts to the speaker.
They didnot play them until after show hours for people were already pissed
That there is a very good review  and No thing to buy ,unless you want white.

ELAC AS61,l now the AS61 Speakers are run in and wow the sound so so perfect for my listening area, I have only a 10 ft wide area and 16 ft long but I use only 12 and 7 ft ceilings, I have sold HiFi and bought many systems from B&W Electrostatics Yes they did make some the DM70, owned M Logan Electrostatics and Maggies but these little speakers seem to produce more detail and life. I am Astounded and did compare them before buying with a few of the biggest names in Hi-Fi eg KEF, B&W and others.I would ask you to listen to a few tracks which will confirm how great these speakers are.
For top end
Album: Touching Silk by  FrankSteiner Jr  5 Bells of the Himalaya
For Drums and transient.
Album: Human -OST   by Armand Amar  3 Dam in China.
For voice Album: Nostalgia by Annie Lenox Track 2 Georgia on my mind  Flac &MQA stunning.
I have too many orchestral Examples to go into but I love Mahler and Tchaikovsky and these speakers bring out so much detail it is unbelievable.

I know you have loads of test discs but it was the above ( All Available on Tidal) that showed me just what these speakers could do Thank you and thanks to Andrew Jones this Design is Fantastic

Paired with my Wyred 4 sound ST1000 Amplifier there is loads of Dynamics and micro detail..
I currently have a pair of Focal Sopra 1s and am very happy with them... great sound stage and imaging. Highs can sound a little tipped up depending on accompanying electronics so match carefully. I’m running mine with Hegel separates
Well since the OP never provided any clarification, here's a good source for tested used speakers. They may be a bit overpriced on some of them, but there is a guarantee.

TMRaudio does seem to be priced a bit higher than the going used rate for a lot of gear, but they take excellent photos, seem to meticulously detail any faults with a product and give honest descriptions, and have very reasonable shipping rates.  

I haven’t purchased anything from them yet, but I’ve been very tempted.  They do have some honestly good deals on occasion for relatively unknown gear, but even on the stuff where they’re above market when you factor in the guarantee and the shipping rates they seem pretty reasonable for the level of service they seem to provide.