Ugraditus is calling....again. Phono stage?

There is likely nothing wrong at all with present phono stage but you know how it is.

Present analog front end consists of.

Nottingham Analog Spacedeck with Spacearm.
Shelter 501 mk3 cartridge with maybe 250 hours on it, regularly treated with Lyra.
Dynavector P75 mk3 phono stage.
Feeds into Lyngdorf 2170 via Nordost Red Dawn RCA cables.

My thoughts were that possibly the Dynavector is the weakest link and would pay most dividend on an upgrade but.....

What do I perceive I am lacking right now?
Really hard to say as this is highest quality analog front end ever owned.
Possibly lacking a little in sheer scale and dynamics? Bass is very very good, instruments are well separated and defined.
Just as an overall presentation I feel it lacks that final wow factor as a whole.
Not sure if that makes any sense?
Please comment honestly especially if you feel it is another area that may reap larger benefits. Or if should just leave well

Oh btw I am fairly sure it is setup correctly in regards to vta etc, at least to the best of my abilities right now. And yes setting it up correctly from initial purchase did make considerable gains in sq.
Nothing as yet
He did say would email me when in stock but may have to remind him...

Just wanted to give you a quick update:  The Lyngdorf is gone, and now I'm using a MicroMega M100.  No more A/D conversion for my analog device, which is of course the PH-10.

I had a minor WOW moment right off the bat playing vinyl.  I always had concerns playing records through the 2170, even though this last time with the 2170 was very, very good. without any digital in the path, and switching from Class D to A/B in the amp, I've hit the sweet spot with the PH-10.  Everything sounds so alive and exciting.

I've tried to find the input specs for the M100's line/balanced inputs to see if they're a better match with the PH-10, but nothing yet..

I almost thought about selling the PH-10 too, because the M100 has it's own phono stage, but a quick A/B test, made the PH-10 the clear winner.  This preamp still amazes me.

Sounds good Robert
I am sure there are much better amps out than the 2170 but the wonders it revealed in my terrible acoustic room means it stays...for

What I have done is buy two carts, ebay had 15% off today so used my account to buy one and the wifes to buy the second, $180 saved total.

ART-9 and ZYX RS30

Both coming from outside the usa so have a couple weeks to wait before I can so some serious comparao testing

Very cool.  The Art 9 is on a lot of people's radar, mine included.  Should mate well with my Technics from what I hear, and I know you'll keep us updated on how it works with the PH-10.

It's next on my list of carts to try.

uberwaltz you were right the PH10 has taken another leap forward in resolution and musicality after 70 hrs of use. Just love this phono stage.