That would be nice, or from anyone else on the same subject.
You don’t have to repead your statement, i have already switched between Baerwald and Stevenson alignments several times with some of my arms over the years. I don't have paranoia about distortion level. My question was not exactly adressed to you personally, it was not exactly about my own gear, the question was about Japanese manufacturers and you can’t speak for them, because you don’t know what to say about their theoretical point of view, you’re talking from the practical point of view. I appreciate your advices, but your posts became very rude, next time you will say anything personal i will stop communicate with you forever. What you need to learn is a good manners on public forums, strange that at your age you didn’t learned this yet, believe me this is more important than alignments of tonearms or anything that you posted. Respect community members and they will respect you. As i pointed earlier, you’re contradicted to yourself in several post on differen subjects i audio if we will read old posts and new posts. Ok, nevermind.
Are you waiting for a post by Mr. Stevenson?
That would be nice, or from anyone else on the same subject.
You don’t have to repead your statement, i have already switched between Baerwald and Stevenson alignments several times with some of my arms over the years. I don't have paranoia about distortion level. My question was not exactly adressed to you personally, it was not exactly about my own gear, the question was about Japanese manufacturers and you can’t speak for them, because you don’t know what to say about their theoretical point of view, you’re talking from the practical point of view. I appreciate your advices, but your posts became very rude, next time you will say anything personal i will stop communicate with you forever. What you need to learn is a good manners on public forums, strange that at your age you didn’t learned this yet, believe me this is more important than alignments of tonearms or anything that you posted. Respect community members and they will respect you. As i pointed earlier, you’re contradicted to yourself in several post on differen subjects i audio if we will read old posts and new posts. Ok, nevermind.