Dear rudeliruegas @rauliruegas

Wow, you have apparently no shame when insulting anyone who questions, or has an alternate viewpoint to your own.

It would seem that you are once again regressing to a position of "absolute" knowledge when it comes to all things tone arms. And that, once again, we, who enjoy music, are incapable of listening to a device and make our own assertions as to what we find pleasing. There is an inherent, and immeasurable complexity to the rather magical process of moving music from a vinyl platter to the listeners ears.

Apparently, according to you (aside from your historical contradictions which have been outlined here @chakster - someone you seem to take pleasure in berating) you have an absolute knowledge and understanding of all things vinyl related, including mathematics. These things are the foundation upon which all of your beliefs and thoughts are built. Given the history of your posts, a more than valid case could be made to back this up.

Couple of newsflashes for you.

Thoughts are not facts, and beliefs are not truths.

(Especially when it comes down to your "holier than though" lambasting of anyone who might suggest that something other than the Holy Grails of information translation from a vinyl record have anything to offer or contribute to the conversation at all)

Here is the thing, a VERY primary thing that I fear may have passed you by in all of your dissertations.

Music, live or reproduced, is not about math. It is about ART...

The translation of, in its most basic form, a straight line to a curve is at all levels a mathematical problem. Calculus and Algebra at their finest.

I will say it again, this is not about math, its about ART. This is not about the changing of a straight line to a curve, its about the emotional resonance of a systems ability to convey a response from the listener.

This is where I paraphrase you - taking some creative license here - "I have neither the time nor interest in trying to educate someone who clearly is lacking in some very basic fundamental understanding of a medium..."

I am not writing this to try to educate you, as that is obviously a lost cause. Rather, it is an attempt to cleanse myself of the disgust I feel when reading your vitriol.

But I digress...

As you have outlined to @invictus005 as to the validity of his beliefs surrounding the SME V, you are once again the harbinger of all knowledge - which is in your "mind" math based. You know, what works and what doesn’t. What sounds good and what doesn’t. Math is the solution to this.

Wasn’t there something called... what was it again??? Oh, right, the Inquisition!!! That’s it! Where there was a dogmatic system forced onto a public. I know, based in religion, not "math", but the thing is, dogma is dogma...

You have, in a previous post, made you myopic attitudes quite clear as you have lambasted the SAT tonearm because it doesn’t facilitate your "math". And, you have done so without having ever heard it.

That is, as close to a definition of narrow-mindedness that I think I could ever reference. Commenting as to the function of something without ever having tried it.

"I don’t like eggs"

"Have you ever tried them?"

"No, but I don’t like eggs because they are yucky"

Dumb right?

So, in closing, I shall quote British Prime Minister Benjamin Disreali responding to Sir William Gladstone.

"A sophistical rhetorician, inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity, and gifted with an egotistical imagination that who can at all times command an interminable and inconsistent series of arguments to malign an opponent and glorify himself"

You can swap out "verbosity" (as this is something you clearly lack and I wouldn’t want to be chastised for unfairly, or inaccurately criticizing you) with "Mathematical Knowledge"...


PS - Did you read your own signature? "Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS" Do you actually know what that means?


Are you waiting for a post by Mr. Stevenson?

That would be nice, or from anyone else on the same subject.
You don’t have to repead your statement, i have already switched between Baerwald and Stevenson alignments several times with some of my arms over the years. I don't have paranoia about distortion level. My question was not exactly adressed to you personally, it was not exactly about my own gear, the question was about Japanese manufacturers and you can’t speak for them, because you don’t know what to say about their theoretical point of view, you’re talking from the practical point of view. I appreciate your advices, but your posts became very rude, next time you will say anything personal i will stop communicate with you forever. What you need to learn is a good manners on public forums, strange that at your age you didn’t learned this yet, believe me this is more important than alignments of tonearms or anything that you posted. Respect community members and they will respect you. As i pointed earlier, you’re contradicted to yourself in several post on differen subjects i audio if we will read old posts and new posts. Ok, nevermind.
Dear @invictus005: In a fast response and with some of the ones I had and have first hand experiences. Other than mine: Kuzma 4point, Triplanar, GST-801, EPA 100MK2 or MS MAX282.

I never said the V is not a good arm because it's and with a quality level build excecution second to none.

The issue is that on tonearms does not exist " the best " as you pointed out several times refering to the V. I owned several SME tonearms because it gained a trusty reputation on its quality levels so I'm not against SME and neither against its TTs.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
@chakster : """  Several years ago you'be been fighting with a'gon members regarding your idea that "naked fashion" (no plinth at all) SP-10mkII is better than any plinth. Do you remember? ......................................................
Now you're talking about "a special plinth to avoid resonances/vibrations", could you explain? ..............................................................................
In many cases on this forum you're controversial to yourself, your own statements (from 5 year ago for example) regarding cartridges, tonearms, plinth etc is often completely different to your current statements. "

As I said " no common sense at all ". 100% of audiophile TTs comes with a plinth a very special plinth to avoid resonances/vibrations or at least put at minimum and why is this: because those resonances/vibrations degrades in severe ways our home audio system listen experiences.
Our needs in that regards is a lot more critical than in radio stations where even the frequency response where it works is truly limited and surrounded of several kind of developed and induced " noises " that the radio listeners just do not cares about.

Exist no controversy or a contradiction when tears ago I posted that the best plinth is no plinth and that the best performance in the SP-10s came with the TT in naked fashion  and still think in that way because the SP10s plinths are a " mess " of plinth.

One thing is to make reference on a specific TT model and other way different to refer to all TTs in the market.

"""  Which make me think that all your current statements about vintage analog equipmentn will mean nothing in the next 5 years.   """

Nothing wrong with that because I'm not like you or other gentlemans that are " sticky " in many ways.

When any one is day by day learning then we can confirm ( again and again. ) our audio believes/experiences or that learning day by day can makes we time to time amend our " mistakes " our way of thinking in some specific regards.
We have the rigth to " learn " and not to stay witing for " dead ", we have to be and to have a very active role in our each one audio picture/movie.

Stevenson: "   the question was about Japanese manufacturers and you can’t speak for them, because you don’t know what to say about their theoretical point of view, .... "

then why don't ask them?. I did it with no sense answers because ignorance.

About pro-industry: why don't ask them?  why? in this case I never did it because I did not and do not need it. 

Obviously you already cross " that " border so you don't need to post:

"  i will stop communicate with you foreve ..""

because I already posted my attitude when some one cross over " that " border .
