@yogiboy "So what’s wrong with warmth, richness and lushness?"
As I always say, that's why they make vanilla AND chocolate.
Along the lines of my beloved Jadis DA60, there's absolutely nothing wrong with warmth, richness, and lushness. I'm a big fan, in fact. However, there's a limit to that for me, and many components go too far in that direction.
Me personally, I'd think about such tables as Michell, Rega, Technics, or SME. I've owned both a Scout and Classic turntable. Audio friends I've known moved from their HW19 to both of them when each was introduced. I heard the change, and they most definitely fell into the camp of upgrade. With my VPIs, I just never could wring the sort of excitement out of them I hoped for. So if anyone also shares those feelings, I'm here to say don't drive yourself crazy, maybe another table would best serve you. But I'm certainly not against another VPI, and think a Scout, Classic, Prime, etc. warrants consideration if the OP prefers a presentation that steers towards that sound