Best sounding compact integrated amp < $2k?

I am putting together a 2nd system that will be used in my living room.  Music source will primarily be Tidal.  Haven't finalized my speaker selection - but I may end up going with something from Dynaudio - perhaps the Excite X18 or the Special 40.  Streaming will be handled by one of the following: Bluesound Node 2, outboard DAC/streamer or DAC/streamer onboard the amp.

Need to figure out what integrated amp would work best.  A major constraint is that the enclosure that will house the amp has a maximum depth of 15 inches - so the amp itself will need to have a depth that is a couple of inches short of 15 (to leave room for rear cables/connections).  

I have tried the Naim Uniti Atom and it is certainly a potential solution (sounds great too), but I am hesitant to go with an all-in-one solution (a separate streamer allows me to upgrade that part of the system as technology progresses).   

The Peachtree Nova 150 is another option - but I have not yet had an opportunity to audition it.  

My budget for the amp is $2k, but I am willing to stretch the $$$ for an outstanding component :)  I am also open to picking up a pre-owned amp, though I would prefer to buy new. 

Suggestions will be *greatly* appreciated!
A lot of great choices here and honestly,  they are all decent or better.... for my money,  if you can get a Parasound new for $2000 or less, Its a great grab that depending on taste.... plus has a decent dac. 
But the Belles is just a slight tough darker and smooth and robust.  If that is your style,  it is much less and has a phono stage.
You won't lose on these 2.  
Good luck, let us know what you end up with. 
Sorry,  Everest_audio is correct. The Parasound is 16 inches deep and the Belles is 14 inches deep
First post here...long time lurker...thought I would chime in considering I was looking for a couple of months with very similar criteria (price range, dimensions, etc.) and after auditioning some of the previously mentioned integrateds, I ultimately ended up on the Belles Aria and couldn't be happier.  Would agree with everything that has been said about the Aria by other posters.   There isn't much written on the Aria so it was a bit of a leap, but I'm glad I made it.

I'm listening to vinyl (Clearaudio Concept w/Ortofon Black) through B&W 705 S2 speakers.
Based on the original post, the Belles Aria wouldn't work as it is too deep as well by the time you want to make cable connections and no option for streaming. I still stand by my suggestion of the Hegel H90. Size fits, built-in DAC and full streaming capabilities via Ethernet. Nothing else to add. Disclosure: We're a Hegel dealer, but due to territory, I can't sell to him anyways, but I'm just mentioning because I think it could suit him very well.