I have been using an OC9/II for years.  (I tried a Lyra Clavis da Capo with "mixed" results.)  I'm interested in opinions of those who have owned or listened seriously to both comparing the two.  Is there a difference?  If so, what characteristics differentiate the two?  Is one better than the other?  Is  there any reason to spend the extra on an OC9/III?

The cart will be mounted in a JMW-12 arm on a VPI Aries (Extended) running into a Herron VTPH-2a phono stage.  
I prefer OC9/II to Lyra. 

Between the II and III, III is overall better and cleaner sounding. But it has twice the compliance. I like the sound of higher compliance cartridges.
tooblue, I spent a long time trying to get the CdC set up.  It was consistently too lean.  

I understand that the later generations of Lyra cartridges were much better.

But that's not particular to the question.
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