ELAC - Adante... what’s the verdict?

Heard these at Axpona...  

However I’m amazed no one is talking about them, now that they’re out at dealers.  
These are the only sealed box coaxial passive out there.  They replaced a pair of LS50s that I used.

Mine are positioned horizontally inside bookshelves and surrounded by pillows.  Crossed over at 85hz at 24db/octave by JL CR1.  Driven by Belles 60W class a monoblocks.

Bass is handled by 2 JL F113s.  System is Phase aligned with at xover frequency by the method of Barry Ober aka Sound Doctor.

Fills a large open room with amazing full range accurate sound and they can play as loud as you would ever need.   Were in the accurate punchy camp and not the warm camp.   Its all about having the tight setup and having decent equipment around them.   

Sound is very open and very large sweet spot much like LS50 but they actually move some air and play upper register bass which the LS50 cannot.
the noaudiophile webdite
is right cool
if ya find yeself skint
but still need a good listen to Ludwig von 
and echo and the bunnymen 
I just ordered the A61 center channel for my separate HT system (that is in the same room as my TAD CR1'S.)

I was trying to convince a friend to raise his budget and spring for the adante bookshelves and in his research he found a customer returned center at a fantastic price and I couldn't resist.  

My concern now is that my ancient HT 3 channel amp (acurus 100x3) may not sound well with the revealing adante.  
I'm trying to decide if I should get an emotiva XPA-5 gen 3 or an unconventional route and buy a 2 or 3 ps audio m300 stereo amps, which I've read are quite good sounding, are lightweight and run cool.  (Processor is the emotiva xmc -1)
I will eventually try the adante center with the TAD CR1'S temporarily to see how well they match.   
I've had my Adante AF 61s for about 4 months now. I'm using a PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium tube preamp and a McIntosh MC152 solid state power amp. This combination works well for me. When I first got the speakers I was using a PrimaLuna Prologue preamp with the Mac. The speakers quickly revealed that there was an impedance mismatch between preamp and amp. It is hard to explain but the setup just sounded off from what I expected. A bit of online research pointed to the impedance issue. The PrimaLuna Dialogue includes a cathode follower circuit dropping the output impedance into a good range for the Mac. Fortunately the folks at Upscale Audio were willing to allow me to trade up to the Dialogue at a very reasonable price. Kudos to them. Now the system sounds great. I close my eyes and the speakers disappear and a wonderful soundstage appears. This certainly confirms that system matching is very important with these speakers.