Thiel 3.6's vs. Vandersteen 3 sigs

Looking to upgrade. Currently have Vandersteen 2ce's which sound great, but have slight bass. So, I had to get a Velodyne FSR 12 to compensate, but this is not a really good match, I know. Anyway, I miss the bass that my old Thiel 03a's had by themselves. I'm guessing that Thiel 3.6's may cover all bases well. I'm not familiar with the VD 3 sigs, just hoping that they would cover the low frequencies better. Of course, the other option in to get the Vandersteen sub and keep the 2ce's. By the way, the speakers are powered by a Moscode 600 with a Rogue Audio 66 Magnum preamp. Any suggestions?
I recently upgraded from the 2Ce's to the 3A Sigs, and I was astounded at the magnitude of the bass improvement. Turns out I have a significant standing wave problem in my listening room which only became apparent when I put the 3A's in my system. The bass of the 3A's will not disappoint, nor will the overall sound, given your opinion of your current Vandys. Good luck.

While the differences between Thiel and Vandersteen seem to be very apparent to those on this forum, it surprises me that so many here, besides the Bdunne and Stevecham, fail to hear how much they have in common. My final decision ultimately came betweene Thiel and Vandersteen, I chose Thiel. Seems a lot of folks here failed to note that Bdunne previouly owned Thiels before Vandersteen and misses some of the qualites the Thiels provided.
I'd like to point out to Ddunne that the newer Thiel 3.6's are not sealed boxes, don't go as low and harder to drive than his previous Thiel 03a's. If your looking to recover that sound quality, may I suggest the Thiel 3.5's, as they are most similar yet quite a bit more refined. They can be found at absolute bargain prices now.
The bigger Thiels will not sound great unless fed with a lot of power. My experience with the 3.6s is that, when driven by a less than macho SS amp, they can sound thin. Feed them a good 300-500 watts and the sound becomes much fuller.