IMHO, If one was to consider spending such funds on (1) AC cable per component, the superior choice would be to either hire a competent electrician or DIY (if so inclined) and have your AC wiring upgraded to multiple dedicated AC circuits, a new 300 - 400 amp service, new isolated ground, hospital grade, 20 amp receptacles and dedicated copper ground rods. One would probably have enough left over to include multiple data center grade double conversion ups’s, surge suppression in the service disconnect and a "sharpie" to write arrows on the romex cables. With the exception of the "sharpie" that is what I have done to connect my components to. It was a DIY project and cost about $6k, easily one of the best investments towards better sound I have ever performed. I also called my local power utility company when I installed the new service as they would have to connect their service wires to the new service panel, I showed the service guys my audio equipment. They installed a new transformer from the 3 phase power they provide and installed new copper wiring from it to my new service. I really lucked out on that one but I HAVE been paying their company over the decades. What I am trying to illustrate here is don’t hesitate to ask your power company for better AC power. Additionally, don’t forget to clean ALL of your connections every 6 months or so to prevent oxidation from building up. It will not make anything "sound" better but you won’t compromise anything to poor or oxidized connections. I get a "warm fuzzy" from doing this. YMMV.