Anyone has heard the Paradigm S8 and can comment ?

Just wondering (kind of).
Its all about image. Nobody buys the signature line because everyone thinks of paradigm as entry to hi end. Truth is there signature line destroys most speakers at double the price.
Everyone thinks of paradigm as entry to hi fi because they are. Paradigms are good speakers but they don't destroy anything even at their price point, and certainly not anything at higher prices. Onix Strata Mini (2,000) is IMO better than any Paradigm Studio speakers and as good as Paradigm Signature S6 or S8. Again, IMO B&W 803D is way better for music than Signature S8 v2 and B&W can be bought used for around $5,000. It is all a matter of taste, but I disagree that Paradigms are unarguably better than anything within their price range. There are cheaper speakers that may sound better and there are tons of better speakers at a slightly higher price point.
You may want to re-listen to the paradigm S8, In V2 and V3 they use the Be tweeter vs the V1 which was known for being harsh.

Ive chose the S8's over the Revel F52, B&W 803D (overrated imo) if you like b&w get 802 much less cabinet resonance, PSB T8.
Generally speaking, for high performance reasonably priced Canadian speakers, I prefer PSB or Energy. PSB's in general are more refined, sound more natural and less "hi-fi" and have flatter response. Energy sort of splits the difference between PSB and Paradigm, but in a good way. I was just listening to a pair of Energy stand-mounts in a showroom yesterday and they were stupid good at their size and price.

In the past two The Absolute Sound Editor's Choice issues (2009 and 2010), no fewer than six PSB models spanning the $279 to $6K price ranges have been picked in each issue. No other speaker vendor is so well represented.