We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses

LOL, I'll bet I gotcha on that Title! ;)  BTW, I put this thread under "Tech Talk" category as it involves the system physically, not tangentially. 

More seriously, two question survey:

1. Do you think designer fuses are A) a Gift to audiophiles, or B) Snake Oil 

2. Have you ever tried them?  Yes or No

In the tradition of such questions on Agon, I'll weigh in as we go along... 
Feel free to discuss and rant all you wish, but I would like to see clear answers to the questions. :) 

I understand people who do not believe fuses make any difference and I understand trying to ask for "measured proof".  However, I do not think it's cool at all make it one's mission to ensure any new users are discouraged from the idea of trying aftermarket fuses at all.  That's almost like a "religious extremist" attitude.  If you have not actually sat down and listened to different aftermarket fuses, I really don't think you have any real objectivity to say that "fuses do not make any difference at all".  For those who have actually listening to fuses, I think I have seen exactly ONE user who posted that they could not hear any difference (which is totally fine!).  All other people on here that have actually experimented with fuses have posted that they do, indeed, hear differences (whether it is positive or negative for them).  There is definitely an electrical character that happens with fuses, since they are inline to transfer current/electricity.  The same goes for power cords, interconnect, speaker wire.  I think there are definitely a few things about fuses that can dictate how the end-result sound is:

- conductor material, such as silver, gold, copper, and tin can contribute to the character of sound (just like power cord material).

- conductor / end-cap plating (such as gold-plating, silver-plating, rhodium plating).  Just like power cords, this can influence sound from A/C current.

- internal conductor material / damping (such as filler material or liquid - like beeswax or power type filler).  This helps reduce electrical resonance that happens on that very small wire.  The glass tube or ceramic tube can also affect electrical resonance.

The above points can probably be measured in some way (there is definitely measured results on the conductivity of different materials such as copper/silver/rhodium).  Though, I'm not sure anyone will really sit down and actually do these types of measurements on fuses because, at this point, it doesn't really have any fiscal value to do.  There is no "return on investment" to spends thousands or tens of thousands to do these level of tests.

As far as cost is concerned, it's all about perceived value and "what the market will bear".  In my testing, I definitely have no problems spending $60 on a fuse upgrade.  I'm not to the point where I want to put $150 on a Synergistic BLUE, but many others have and love their fuse.  Though, I can understand other points of view.  Just like why a person would drop  6 grand on a Rolex watch when you can spend a few hundred to get a nice item that does the same thing. 

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and that now sounds like a troll message.  Anyways....if you feel that we are the religious zealots, that is interesting because we are only responding to your "attacks" saying that we are completely wrong in our objectivity and results -- where you have not even listened to an upgrade fuse.

1" of A/C circuit is important, especially when the conductor is going to be a really thin wire somewhere between 20awg and 26awg that is typically non-damped and tensioned in air (which will have electrical mechanical resonance just like a guitar string would when plucked).

I can even tell differences when using the larger 10 amp type fuses with the thicker/higher awg conductors.  I just recently went through an exercise comparing big 10A fuses in a receiver (Hi-Fi Tuning Silverstar, Hi-Fi Tuning Supreme, Furutech, stock).  All the 10A fuses still had different sonic signatures.  The differences were drastic enough where it sounded like completely different amplifiers.

There are definitely other areas which affect sound, like power cord connectors.  If you look at a standard IEC connector, there really is only about 1" of conductor as well, but there is an audible difference between an IEC connector with gold-plated conductors and silver or rhodium plated conductors.

Same thing occurs with RCA connectors (another element that is less than 1" long!).  There is a definite audible difference between an gold-plated copper RCA plug and a solid pure silver RCA plug.

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Costco-emoji, I hate to judge before all the facts are in but you seem to not know what empirical evidence even is. Empirical evidence is that evidence gathered from observation. You know, like listening. We observe with our senses. Our sense of touch, hearing, vision, etc. You seem to dismiss listening as proper evidence as if nobody can hear, as if everyone is always fooled, as if everyone in the world is deluded except you.

Dude, wake up and smell the coffee! ☕️ In a hobby that is all about listening and being able to distinguish subtle differences in sound your persistent and vociferous claims that these sensory abilities should be ignored or don’t exist come across as well, rather bizarre. That you would engage in such an angry and angst ridden campaign against fuses and other controversial tweaks seems, well, kind of neurotic.

In any case, on with the inquisition!