Which is better - Hi end CD transport or Music server into DAC?

Guys - I have the Music Vault diamond server which is great- My question in which is better a hi end Transport into my DAC or the Music vault sever?- strictly thinking sound quality- thks
+1 here. A high quality, multisource DAC is essential (Wyred 4 Sound DAC2SE for example), as is a CD transport (PS Audio PWT) and server (MacBook Pro is what I enjoy), and, especially, a multitude of good analog sources (I just had to get that in here :-).

If one currently owns no CD’s/SACD’s (a rather young person, presumably), and asks the question to help decide whether or not to start buying them, keep in mind the cost of building a disc library. At, say, ten bucks a disc, a modest collection of 1,000 titles will run $10,000. I have somewhere around 3500, so even if streamed-sources sound better, I need a transport. It’s kind of late to start buying CD’s now, though they are much cheaper than they us to be, and will in all likelihood be even cheaper in the not-so-distant future.

I would go with the music server or a dedicated music computer as I have , stick in some of Mark Porzilli's software which retails through Laufer Teknik and get a PS Audio Lan Rover and you will have a killer digital system.
Neither. The best setup is using a network card inside the dac, for example the Bridge II cars in the ps audio DS or the DCS network card. Sell all the so called ultimate usb cables, all you need is a good Ethernet cable (say cat7 or cat8 from audioquest for example), high speed internal network, and a good/fast internet, preferably using fibre because it’s quieter.
Since I build a "high end DAC" with a 35lbs power supply I have used both CD transport (too many to mention) and server into the DAC using HDMI cable as I felt with was the best sound.  IMO only, the two offered excellent sound but different.  The transport offered a more emotional sound in our direct comparison.  The server offered an excellent soundstage with really nice details.  It was very nice to listen to but certain instruments just did not sound as emotional as the transport in direct comparison.  I could live with either as long as I did not have to compare them side by side.  Hope this was helpful.  Happy Listening.