I think my CDP is really not the problem. I actually think that while I really like/love my speakers (Boston Acoustic A-60s) there are things I wish they did better. I like the warmth that they have, but wish they had a little less coloration, and a little more clarity. Also, while I think the A-60s have pretty decent imagery, and frequency responds and good voicing, I wish that the sound staging was somewhat deeper. Guess what I'm looking for is a pair of speakers that gives me everything I like about the A-60s, but with the things I wish they did better. And in a sense, I have a good starting place, as I know what I got, and know what I'm looking for. Basically I'm looking for something better and not just different. It's a search and I think eventually I'll find what I'm looking for (and of course, I do appreciate whatever suggestions people give me, whether or not it works out or not). Bottom line, I'm in no hurry, and I'll know when I find what I'm looking for. btw, I do appreciate all suggestion I get, and I do try to track down most of them.
I think my CDP is really not the problem. I actually think that while I really like/love my speakers (Boston Acoustic A-60s) there are things I wish they did better. I like the warmth that they have, but wish they had a little less coloration, and a little more clarity. Also, while I think the A-60s have pretty decent imagery, and frequency responds and good voicing, I wish that the sound staging was somewhat deeper. Guess what I'm looking for is a pair of speakers that gives me everything I like about the A-60s, but with the things I wish they did better. And in a sense, I have a good starting place, as I know what I got, and know what I'm looking for. Basically I'm looking for something better and not just different. It's a search and I think eventually I'll find what I'm looking for (and of course, I do appreciate whatever suggestions people give me, whether or not it works out or not). Bottom line, I'm in no hurry, and I'll know when I find what I'm looking for. btw, I do appreciate all suggestion I get, and I do try to track down most of them.