Am i missing something without a power conditioner?

I need your advice on power conditioners. I know there is alot talked about with power conditioners. But let me explain my situation and what i have. First and foremost i upgraded all my stock power cords. I am using and have a Krell FPB 600 amp with a Shunyata Research Sigma HC power cord. I am using and have an Audio Research Ref 6 preamp with a Shunyata King Cobra Helix CX power cord. And have a Rega ISIS cd player with a Shunyata Sigma digital power cord. I have 1 dedicated 20 amp line with a 4 plug 20 amp wall outlet that my amp and preamp plug into. My question is with these high quality power cords do i still need a power conditioner? 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
See there YOU go making a generalization about cassettes and then assuming I obviously am tone deaf and would not know hifi if it whacked me around the side of the head!
Granted there ARE a number of poor tape offerings but that can be said about EVERY medium tbh.

Taking again part of somebodys post and quoting just that one tiny part changes the entire meaning and context of said post. A very bad habit that quite a number do around here.

And FWIW on nearly every comment I make about equipment or tweaks (unless I forget) I will state in my system, in my room and to my ears, obviously EVERYBODY else will have differing results.
@atmasphere , does the Elgar give you any protection for surge, like a close lightning strike?

If not, what would be your suggestion to use along with the Elgar?

Quick answer... YES!  First, congrats for using good A/C cords.  Too many skeptics don't know what they're missing.  But a good power conditioner will still lower the noise-floor, revealing more detail and ambient information.

I am a big Shunyata fan, because I've found that their conditioners 'do no harm' (i.e. do not restrict dynamics or affect tonality/timbre in any way).  I use their Guardian conditioner, and still remember the dramatic improvement it made to my (already quite refined) system.

If you have the bucks, I'd suggest the Shunyata Denali or the new Audioquest Niagra (as I've heard some raves about it from reliable listeners).

assuming I obviously am tone deaf and would not know hifi if it whacked me around the side of the head!
I assume no such thing. <vbg> == Very Big Grin == Humor. Can't say I share your general taste in music but sometimes I rock out with Led Zeppelin, Queen, The Who... and sundry other retirees. Tommy "Underture" is one of my reference tracks. Next year will mark the 40th anniversary of that (TFIC) exalted status. TFIC = Tongue Firmly In Cheek.

Cassettes are terrible vis a vis almost any other media. Mechanically it cannot be otherwise. I fail to see the point of recent enthusiasm. In the studio, we referred to them as "crappettes". 

Taking parts of a post is an online hazard and one I'm willing to risk. I try to take enough so as to not change the context. What someone types is not always what they meant and the writer cannot fault subsequent users if the meaning was misconstrued.

Since we're bitching, far too often some late comer has not read the entire thread and chimes in unprimed and half-cocked.

@tattooedtrackman. A good dealer should sell you a Power Conditioner with a 7 day return option. Mine did and it didn't go back. That was quite a few years ago. Not only better sound but better picture on TV. Made SD like HD.

Hopefully your dealer will do this.