Is this MQA news a big deal?

Just now stumbled across this release regarding DACs from ESS adding MQA, but I'm not certain if it means there'll likely be many companies offering MQA decoding soon enough. Or if it perhaps means something else. Any thoughts?
 A couple years ago I came across an informative analysis of MQA and I see current commentary on this site 
MQA is as controversial as religion at this point. I like it having it, but would stop short of calling it must have. At the very least there are stories like this to its credit;

Interesting. The MQA version of Fairytales doesn’t sound right to my ears. I don’t have the vinyl to compare. Her vocals sound like she is singing slightly diminished intervals. Very fragile slightly dissonant harmonically thin voice. Piano sounds a bit off too.

Apart from that I totally don’t understand all the hooopla?
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I believe MQA is the 21st century version of Dolby. Just another way to get people to believe audio manipulation is supposed to result in 'better sound'.