What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(

The heading says it all!! What do you guys think is the reason that the sales in the used high end market have gone soft??
Prices too high? Economy too slow?? Stock market too volatile?? Something else??

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Interesting post craigl59. I think Alon may have hit on a winning strategy. Even if he sells half of that number, then we are looking at close to $5M in sales. OTOH, I'm certain that there are a lot of manufacturer's and dealers who would prefer to sell just one piece at $5M! They probably think, and maybe rightly so, that it is just as easy or even easier, to find that one guy who will fork over $5M, than to have to sell 500 pieces...never mind 1000!


Emotiva is following the same move towards HT; their success with the XMC-1 preamp and T1/2 speaker sets has pushed them logically in this direction. Their new design for a multi/multi-channel new pre (7 channels and up) is based on the belief that additional speaker combinations and Atmos-type additions will continue to sell the best.

Video over music always in out current culture.

The move away from HEA to Home Theater is nothing new....so I don't believe this explains the current market in the used HEA area. The Home Theater market is no easy street either...several brick and mortar companies that I know who moved away from HEA to Home Theater, subsequently went under. 
"my son is 19 and listens to everything on his Iphone with earbuds."

+1, exactly the same for my son, who is 18.  So I bought him a pair of great Etymotic Research earbuds ($400) and a dac for his computer (an Oppo) and he's good.  He has no interest in even learning the turn-on sequence for my tube electronics.