The rout is on for Blu-Ray

Best Buy & Netflix give up on HD-DVD:
Ag insider logo xs@2xncarv
I have both so I didn't really care who "won". I do believe that Blu has the better hd picture (movie dependent), but the Toshiba Hd players do a much better job with upconversion of std DVD's. Since it looks like the end of Hd, I would recomend holding off on purchasing a Blu player, until they can work out the kinks. Buy a Hd player just for the upscaling capabilities, especially since they are so much nore affordable.
Since it looks like the end of Hd, I would recomend holding off on purchasing a Blu player, until they can work out the kinks.
That's what angers me. For the past year I was watching lots of well-made, enjoyable HD DVDs on my totally reliable, upgradeable, and stupid cheap Toshiba HD-D3. Now for the next year or two I'll be doing without as I wait for Blu-ray technology to catch up in features, reliability, and affordability.

If anybody comes across some fire sales for HD DVD discs, I'd appreciate the info.
In NY Times Business section today is Toshiba announcement they will stop making HD DVD players. Its over. Blu-Ray wins. Expect prices to rise.

Jdodmead mentioned that Blu-Ray has a superior picture. Check out an HD-DVD movie on the Toshiba HD X-A2 player before you make that judgement.
This whole situation is very frustrating, marketing and back room deals has won over quality, ready for market, reliable product..........are you kidding me?