Is this MQA news a big deal?

Just now stumbled across this release regarding DACs from ESS adding MQA, but I'm not certain if it means there'll likely be many companies offering MQA decoding soon enough. Or if it perhaps means something else. Any thoughts?
I heard the MQA it’s really good, I preferred it over DSD. It’s the one that came close to vynil, in the system we were listening...
Not a big fan of MQA. I prefer DSD128 and 192/24PCM. MQA is a lossey 192/24. 5G and Wifi bandwidth is more than enough to stream DSD and 192/24PCM. 

  I heard the MQA it’s really good, I preferred it over DSD. It’s the one that came close to vynil, in the system we were listening...

Curious, what DAC were you using? 


Corporate greed is insatiable. Profit is the only driver of this product-as usual. The market for phony products (in this case ‘pretending’ to provide ultimate quality) is endless. No matter how sophisticated this is just another way of selling cheap copies of the original music. I don’t think the musicians and recording professional will bite. But the masses are all about cheap. Most female housekeepers and check out clerks are sporting GUCCI purses...   disposable when the next copy come out. Sadly I think much of the dreck played on commercial radio deserves no better. This product is a continuation of a pernicious race for cheap and disposable. Thank goodness for artists and craftsman  persuing ideals. 
Craigl59 1+ ,

 I ment to return to this topic and post Computer Audio Member  Archimagos article on MQA , Best artical I’ve read so far on this subject.