New D'Agostino Monoblocks...$250,000

The new D’Agostino Relentless monoblocks cost $250,000 per pair.
They weigh in at 485 pounds.
1500 wpc @ 8 ohms...   3000 wpc @ 4 ohms...   6000 wpc @ 2 ohms.
Gorgeous looking amps for sure and I’m sure they perform like crazy.

Be sure to invite me over when you take delivery of your pair.
A pair of 400 amp arc welders that will work in an emergency as boat anchors! Human folly reaches ever higher!

I like Mr. D'Agostino's designs as well. These beasts are very impressive spec -wise, looks elegant in Black.

Happy Listening!

I’ve written a lot around this trend in pricing lately. I feel it greatly damages the hobby, and has resulted in all manner of things such as the hollowing out of the rank of audiophiles.

That said, now that I’m living in Vancouver, I have no doubt he’ll sell them easily. Folks here lionize conspicuous consumption. In the several years I’ve spent time here, the sheer number of expensive cars (and whatever other luxury item you can imagine) has taken me aback. I can’t tell you how many of these brand new cars get repainted immediately (often before initial delivery), along with a lot of other customization. By this I mean, you take a $150K - $500K car, and immediately have it painted it a different color to suit you. I’ve asked a few people about it, and their answer is always, "Oh, well they did have 3 blues available. But none that I liked. So, I just ordered it in white / grey / black, and had it done up as I wanted."

Along the lines of the vast wealth of this clientele, a manufacturer of very high-end turntables was a part of my audio group back in Philadelphia. He could only produce 6 tables a year, and had an 18 month waiting list. We figured raising prices would give him a bit of breathing room. In fact, it produced EXACTLY the opposite result. Today, the turntables now cost more than 4X as much, and the demand has risen a good deal more than it was a decade ago

When the bubble finally implodes, and it will as it really needs to, all of this non-sense will vaporize and there will be no buyers at any price to take the used $250K amps off anyone’s hands.

Really??? did anyone look at the internal photos of this amp? 6 blue electrolytic caps which probably cost $35 each. A custom toriod transformer which might have cost under a thousand bucks and some circuit boards with a few precision tolerance components on mil spec circuit boards. OK, the CNC machining on the billet aluminum and copper is nicely done, but come on.

There is some serious profit margin in this and people with way too much money, more than they should have since they probably either stole it or earned it the old fashioned way, they inherited it; are spitting it out on fluff.

It’s offensive to some of us. Sorry, just my opinion
slimkikins5...If a guy can afford $250k for a pair of amps, he really doesn't need to worry about resale value.  Guys that buy Rolls Royces don't worry about resale value, because they already know that in 10 years, the car will be worth one eighth of its purchase price.  People who buy this stuff have money to burn.