MA252 + Bluesound Node 2 + DAC? Or Naim Uniti Atom/Star?

I have a system consisting of some Emotiva gear and a pair of boutique speakers from a niche company that was called Digital Phase.  I have their flagship EP4 models.  I use primarily digital sources (Tidal & Spotify) but also have a Rega R3 I use as well.  I am looking to get a new integrated amp that improves on the Emotiva XPA amp I have plus a better sound source that goes digital to a decent DAC.  I was taken by the new MA252 that McIntosh has released and was thinking of pairing a Bluesound Node 2 and a DAC in the $1-2K range.  The MA252 also has phono in for the RP3.  Then I noticed the "all in one" Naim Uniti products that have come out.  I know there is a power difference between the Atom and Star but was curious to anyone's thoughts as to opinions on either path.  The separate components definitely has upgradability going for it but the simplicity and reduction in signal chain has pluses too.  Thoughts?  I'm in Atlanta so will try to listen to both amps but doubtfully on my own speakers.
I see conflicting info on the Micromega specs. Are we sure it’s class AB? I read a review that said class d. It’s less than 20lb weight would indicate this as well. 
It is totally class A/B it says so on the website, uses a switch mode power supply to run a class A/B output stage.

It is one of the best sounding integrated amplifiers we have ever sold.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
I have the MA252 with a Node 2, connected to a Chord 2 Qute DAC in my office rig. It sounds great.

You should try to audition the MA252.  It performs quite well.
@audiotroy  Do you have any info on the M100 and Spotify/Tidal?  I don't see in the specs or manual where it talks about this.

However you like micromega gear, from personal experience I can tell you that they didn’t return any of my phone calls or emails when I had a problem, despite their “10 year warranty.”.