When you are a child you believe in Santa Claus, but after time they tell you that he does not exist. It is only an assumption what you believe is the truth.
But......I can garantee you that the truth is a lot different . Untill januari 2016 I even believed that audio is just a personal matter of taste.
Music is music and is sound what is founded on properties. This has nothing to do with personal taste. When you learn to understand how our human emotion works regarding music things become a lot more clear.
All the different properties of sound can influence our human emotion. The most important property of sound what influences our emotion is diversity in sound. This is de layering in sound what you will find in the harmonics.
It is not the only one, but....it is still the most important one. When you would focus only just on this property you will understand how limited this is in most audiosystem.
Based on the fact that these audiosystems are all created by trial and error what is pure audiogambling. In 2017 I talked with many people who also work like me for a long time in audio.
They all agreed that they do audio by gambling. I was stunned and I thought; what have you done all these years. It looks like they all have been sleeping during those years.
Trial and error is the level of a child. Which they all agreed when I said: this is audio without foundation. What is the same as the level of a child. There was no one who said; I can tell you what the foundation is in how I work.
This is the truth what makes 100% clear why most of the systems are so limited. Each audio system what is able to reveal all the details, layers and emotion of a recording will be chosen over any limited incomplete trial and error system.
This can be easily proven by sound and over and over again. There is not even any discussion possible. It proofs how silly audio is done all over the world.
When audio will be chosen by Tru-Fi (what has nothing to do with brands and products) all people will get a superior level in audio at home all over the world.
Tru-Fi is based on all the properties on which sound is being founded. Nothing more nothing less. It is the only way to understand why the sound and stage of your system at home is what you hear.
All other ways of creating audio is just trial and error. What easily can be compared on facts with the level of a child. It has no real foundation. When I asked it people who work in audio no one could tell me what his foundation really is.
When you cannot handle the truth you will own a limited audio system untill you die. Based on the fact that trial and error is extremely ineffective and money will never help you.
I visited many people with systems far over 50.000 dollar. And most systems where poor based on the fact that they are all created without any foundation.
Most people in audio and those who see it as their hobby have no real idea how low the level is what they are able to achieve. They have only access to a very limited level of the whole quality of each part in their system.
When you listen to your system at home, you will listen to all the different properties of each single part of your audiosystem together including the acoustics and other parts (like smog, magnetism and high frequent noise) who negatively influences the sound and stage.
So you need to be able to extract all the different properties of each part in your system. And you need to understand how the acoustics influences the sound and stage. And you need to learn how big the influence is of smog, magnetism and high frequent noise.
At the 3th of july 1998 I was sitting in a bus to the first day of my work in audio. And I was thinking that I want to understand why each loudspeaker sounds so different than another one.
This was a mindset at that time, based on the fact that I choose to learn to understand sound. In the first years I worked in audio I made 80 hours each single week. It was never enough ,I was that addicted.
Sound&Vision is not my work or hobby, it is my second nature. It has become a part of who I am as a person. I can see and hear 3-4 steps further than all the other people in sound&vision which I all see as children.
When I go into a room during an audio show I start counting the fault they made. They have no idea of all these faults. Based on the fact that they do not have the insight and knowledge.
I did thousands of tests in almost 20 years now. I can focus on extreme small parts of an audio system what never has been tested before. Based on the fact that normal human beings are not able to think and work in patterns like I do.
I created a photographic memory what I see as an enigma machine. It makes me understand both sound&vision. It is very easy for me to test and compare. Based on the fact that I can observe all the properties of sound in a split second. And I can see the old and new situation beside eachother in my head.
This makes is very easy to understand which one is the best. Of each part in an audio system I first want to extract the DNA and all the properties. I am only interested in properties.
I build each single audiosystem by all the properties of each part in a system. Tru-Fi also combines each part together to create a superior level of access to the whole quality a part could create.
Tru-Fi counts and works for each single audio product. It always show which properties it owns and which one are missing. I am only interested in the products which own the perfect DNA.
In tests I normally see and hear that most products are incomplete. It will always become a limitation in your system.
People thought that if they use the same brands as I do we can create the same kind of level. No you will never come even close to the level I can create. I can see so much further into details which you never will see and hear. I work these days at 0.25 millimeter . People have no idea what this really means.
When I come into the room I hear the sound and I know how and where to put the loudspeakers. When we sell an audio system we come to our clients with over 6000 euro in equipment to adjust any system.
You have no idea how much further this goes compared to the trial and error world you all live in. I made big steps also in smog, magnetism and high frequnet noise. I will never tell how I work and do this.
I always want to be superior and outperfroming to each other single person in audio. In my world there is only one thing that counts. Be the best by far and outperform each other one in the world.
Second best is for all the born losers in this world. Normal people can never understand what perfectionism really is. Because it is a way of thinking and working what is 100% different than the way you think and live your life.
People need to start to focus on sound and properties. Only then you could maybe learn to understand why the sound and stage of your system is what you hear.
But when you will keep on focusing on brands and products you will only own an incomplete audiosystem untill you die.