One of the big limitations of audio is working and thinking in 1980 style. With Statement Audio Pro we get access to details and layers wich never can be created by 1980 audio products.
It is insane to think it is still 1980. Beside the products trial and error is an extreme low level in creating audiosystems. It is just one big laugh. I see it as a joke.
For me it is very difficult to understand and see how extreme low the level is in insight and knowledge of both sound&vision.
I phoned a few times with Audioquest Europe to explain to them how low the level is of the real quality of their new powercables they have access to. That is why I invited them to demo how big the differences are between them and us.
We are in a different world for a very long time now. When we go to new cleints, shops and shows it always feels like er go back in time for 20 years. It is hard for me to see and hear that they all have been sleeping in those years.
In a Tru-Fi world you will have access to a superior level of the whole quality of their new powercables. When a system can reveal all the details and layers of a recording the influence of just one powercable will become so much bigger.
We connected the new Audioquest powercables in different Tru-Fi systems and the results are so impressive. But in a trial and error system the influence of these cables are so much less effective.
Based on the fact that they own incomplete audiosystems. So they only can use a small % of what the powercable could give you. And that is why I will invite Audioquest to hear it themself. We love to proof sound by facts.