300B SET vs.Triode Strapped KT150's???

Can anyone comment on how close the Triode Strapped KT150's get you to the performance of a decent 300B SET.
 If it matters KT150 amp is SS Rectified & the 300B is Tube Rectified...I'm looking to get as much of the tonal purity & imaging/sound staging of the 300B SET as I can for less $...
 Thanks much,take care...
If you get a high quality 300b SET and use appropriately efficient /sensitive speakers you'll discover that you can enjoy virtually all genres of music reproduced at a very high quality level.  This has been my pleasant experience the past 7 years. 
this is my dilemma atm. Looking at a bunch of mid price SET amps this week, torn between the 300b and kt150
You are trying to compare apples and oranges.  The KT150 tube, "triode strapped" or not, doesn't sound anything like the 300b.  I assume that you are considering a 300b SET and not a 300b amp in PP configuration? 

There are practical implications beyond the obvious sonic differences: a KT150 amp is going to be PP design, putting out more Wpc and many (most) will allow the use of 4 ohm speakers.  Almost all 300b SET amps are going to be 8 Wpc channel or less, and most will provide 8 ohm taps to the speakers.  So your speaker selection is going to be critical to the success or your choice of amp.

My suggestions is to choose your speakers first, then find an alp that works and sounds best with your speakers.  Doing it the other way is putting the cart before the horse...