Soix, you sound like just another hurt audiophile whose product missed the Absolute Sound or Stereophile’s recommended components list and is now offended.
We mentioned that the AZ products were okay, not good not bad. sure there will always be some mention on some show or in a review of how good that product is. However, the point we were making is the market speaks volumes. Your Postitive Feedback mention was old from 2012 the current price of the speakers is $25k.
What we said about the Zen products WE WERE DEALERS! So we actually have first hand knowlege of how their products sound and in all areas as well AS HOW THEY ACTUALLY COMPARE TO THE COMPETITION, the Zen’s were beaten as both a cable company and as a speaker vendor, which is WHY WE DON"T SELL THEM any more.
So Soix, you think we are bashing them because we don’t sell their products you are wrong. WHAT MAKES OUR OPINIONS VALUABLE is actual experience.
Sure you may think that never mentioning the areas where product x has issues, is classy, we don’t and if you are honest when compariing two or more products you will have an opinion, and guess what on doing a comparison you will weigh both products, in the good side and the bad side your opinion formed would be something, like I love the Mercedes x class, good fuel economy, great engine and styling, but compared to the BMW 5 series the BMW has a better engine, nearly as good styling, but has a bigger trunk and better fuel economy so even though I really like the Mercedes, I think ultimately I will go for the BMW.
Soix this is how actually people make up their minds, strengths vs weakness on all products, and the one that is selected wins the most points.
People learn about a product by comparision, and unfortunatly in this country it may be impossible to find someone who has experience with that product, and as mentioned AZ has a decent amount of dealers how many pairs of AZ speakers are actually available to listen to throughout the country?
We are willing to bet there are very few AZ speaker dealers currently displaying speakers, also how many $25k 100% made in China speakers are currently actually selling in the market?
You may ask what is the relevancy? If a product sells you may actually be able to audition it and not be flying or buying blindly, also this affects resale and your ability to ultimately move the product if you decide to.
Again answer the question if most people here had $25k to purchase a set of speakers, how many would be seeking out a set of Crecendo’s to audition, vs Wilson, Focal, Rockport, Paradigm, Martin Logan etc.
If you think that we are China bashers we are not, we had a good run with Usher loudspeakers which are also 100% made in China, the difference was that Usher makes 100% of their own parts in house and at the time whose speakers like the BE 10 were selling for a lot less then a compariable high end American made speaker. The BE 10 offered a Beryillium tweeter and Beryillium midrange driver plus an Eaton woofer in a 230lb cabinet for $14k that was for a brand new set of loudspeakers.
No Soix we are not bashing AZ, as you seem to think we are disagreeing with your recommendation, that they are a great contender.
We will say that the AZ will accomplish serveral of the requirements for a large space so sonically they would do the job and we can at least agree with you that in terms of filling up a large room they are both somewhat efficient and have good low bass capabliity however, are they worth that $25k that is the question or would possibly a pair of Legacy Focus do the job for brand new set of speakers for $11k?
Your comment on the Aeris being a contender for a shootout is valid from a price perspective but sonically, a well set up set of Focus come really close to the magic of a much more expensive set of speakers. If you heard the sound that Legacy was getting at the NY Audio show you would have though the Focus was a $25k speaker not a $11k one.
Again ask yourself the question, if you were going to purchase at full retail would that product be on your radar, if the answer is yes, then we humbly beg for your forgiveness, if the answer is no for $25k that speaker wouldn’t be on my short list than lets see who is right?
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ