Avalon Indra vs Sonus Faber Cremona M

I have just begun assembling my audio system. I bought a Shindo Monbrison and Shindo Montrachet preamp/amp combo and am using the new Sonus Faber Cremona M. I have rediscovered analog and prefer it to CD/digital for now. I was looking to upgrade my inexpensive turntable, but my dealer thinks that changing the speakers might be better. He suggests the new Avalon Indras.

Any thoughts

Hi Bobby,

I just brought a pair of Indras into my system. I love these speakers - they are wonderful at soundstaging and they are great at reproducing inner detail. My listening room was just too small for my prior speakers - Magnepan 20.1's, which are great speakers as well. What size room do you have? Mine is 14.5x18x11. How much power does your amplifier have? I'm using VTL 450's, but Gary at Avalon told me that VTL's integrated amp (I think it's 125 or 150 wpc) drove them nicely as well. I wouldn't hesitate to call Gary at Avalon and ask him about amplifier synergy. The Indra is pretty new, so I don't think there are many around here with first hand experience.

Best, Peter
That seems like a strange suggestion to me. Whereas the Indra would probably better the Cremona M, you have wonderfully musical gear (admittedly, I haven’t heard it together in one system) and, since it is the “M”, probably still fairly new on top of that. Why should you not heave your analogue source into the same league first instead of possibly widening the cleft between front-end and the rest? I’m putting on my most innocent look now, but does that particular dealer perhaps not offer the most inspiring choice of TTs? In Europe the Indra is thrice the price of the Cremona M. In the US that will surely be somewhat different, but I gather we’re talking about a five digit figure difference, aren’t we? I can think of a number of wonderful TT/arm/cart combinations for that!
I agree. Wouldn't change the speakers this fast either. Besides, it's like throwing money in the sewer. The M's are wonderful and for the price difference you can buy lots of stuff that will improve your sound.