Speaker recomendation

I just bought a second home and the room where the new system will go is quite large (60’x20’) with a wall of windows.  I’m looking for a pair of speakers that will be more for listening in position close to the system but that can still move enough air for when we have lots of people over.  Budget is about $10-15K for an amp and speakers.  I have a Moon 340i but fear it doesn’t have enough power to move the speakers I’ll get.  I was thinking about Golden Ear reference but my wife and I are more classical and jazz listeners and these are better for rock?  Suggestions appreciated!
@audiotroy I unfortunately do not own Crescendos and I’m neither hurt nor offended, but thanks for your concern. They were, however, a TAS Top Pick in Loudspeakers over $10,000, right next to the Legacy Aeris BTW. So let’s get our alternative facts straight, shall we?

"We mentioned that the AZ products were okay, not good not bad"

Exactly! But what you’re also saying is that IN YOUR SUBJECTIVE OPINION they are inferior to what you are recommending here AND SELL!!! Why does this continue to not penetrate? This is not fact, but you using your own inherently biased opinion to belittle another recommendation in favor of one that YOU SELL.

"What we said about the Zen products WE WERE DEALERS! So we actually have first hand knowlege of how their products sound and in all areas as well AS HOW THEY ACTUALLY COMPARE TO THE COMPETITION"

But as you said previously, you didn’t carry the Crescendos and that your opinion of them was from hearing them at shows. Not sure how this makes you an expert on how they compare to the competition that -- what was that again? -- oh yes, YOU SELL.

"So Soix, you think we are bashing them because we don’t sell their products you are wrong. WHAT MAKES OUR OPINIONS VALUABLE is actual experience."

I never said you were bashing them, those were the words of the OP. Opinions are not facts no matter how much experience they’re based on, so using yours to marginalize other recommendations or products to influence others to make products YOU SELL sound better is dirty pool. Full stop. But yes, we can certainly agree that your opinions can be valuable -- especially for YOU.

"Again answer the question if most people here had $25k to purchase a set of speakers, how many would be seeking out a set of Crecendo’s to audition, vs Wilson, Focal, Rockport, Paradigm, Martin Logan etc."

That’s precisely why people come here to get supposedly honest and unbiased feedback. They don’t come here to have a biased retailer tell them a recommendation from another member is not worth $25k. Incidentally, my original recommendation was (and continues to be) for a nice demo pair of Crescendo mklls selling (on US Audio Mart) for about $12k because they are in his price range and seem to meet all his needs. .

"If you think that we are China bashers we are not"

Rrrrrriiiiiiiiight. I never said anything about China (or "Jighna" either).

"Your comment on the Aeris being a contender for a shootout is valid from a price perspective but sonically, a well set up set of Focus come really close to the magic of a much more expensive set of speakers"

Again, I never said anything about the Aeris. Another nice plug though.

"Again ask yourself the question, if you were going to purchase at full retail would that product be on your radar, if the answer is yes, then we humbly beg for your forgiveness, if the answer is no for $25k that speaker wouldn’t be on my short list than lets see who is right?"

The answer is yes, and apology accepted -- no begging necessary. We already know your short list since you keep pushing it here. It’s not about you or me being "right," which is just a stupid concept here. It’s about helping the OP make the best decision possible for his situation and tastes and not discouraging the exploration of other honest recommendations to your potential benefit.

I’ll just leave with a bit of honest advice for YOU audiotroy. There’s no problem with you expressing your positive opinions about your products here (although it is quite tiresome), and if your products are really that good people will seek them out and buy them. But using your inherently biased opinions to further say less than positive things about other recommendations or products THAT YOU DON’T SELL is at the very least fishy and likely unethical (and it just looks bad bad BAD), and if you continue to do so you’ll get even more pushback here and possibly irreparably damage your reputation and credibility here. It sounds like you try hard to honestly help people at your shop, so don’t undermine that by unnecessarily shooting yourself in the foot here. Happy Friday all.

@soix  maybe you and Dave could agree to meet up and duke it out.  I'm trying to get opinions on my post.  You seem like you want to have a personal argument that I would call unrelated. Furthermore, does anyone on this thread really care anymore about your defense of the speakers you don't own?  Jeez man.  You must not work for a living with the amount of time you are spending on this argument.  
bumping my last question since my post was once again co-opted by bickering.  My question was about active floorstanders, which I'll re-quote.  "After reading a review of the current Dynaudio Focus XD 60 and XEO line, I would be crazy not to consider actives for use in my home. Does anyone have an opinion based on their own listening experience about Dynaudio's active line or other similarly priced speakers that are active?"

An active can play loud which is a good thing. The Dynaudio loudspeakers are excellent.

You are pressurizing a very large room which requries large speakers.

Go to a concert you will see a large stack of loudspeakers as you lose 3db output for every 12 feet of distance.

In our opinion the Dynaudio is still not going to sound big enough for that space.

Innovative Audio sells Dynaudio so you should be able to demo a pair.

Gee Soix thanks for your coaching you seem out of date Absolute Sound reviewed the Zens in 2013 are they in the current recomended list now I dont think so.

Again you miss our point where is the Op going to hear a pair?

Last point if the companies cables werent competitive with Nordost or Wireworld and the AZ Addagio wasnt competive with the other speakers we sold dont you think we had valid points about the AZ line?

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
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