Speaker recomendation

I just bought a second home and the room where the new system will go is quite large (60’x20’) with a wall of windows.  I’m looking for a pair of speakers that will be more for listening in position close to the system but that can still move enough air for when we have lots of people over.  Budget is about $10-15K for an amp and speakers.  I have a Moon 340i but fear it doesn’t have enough power to move the speakers I’ll get.  I was thinking about Golden Ear reference but my wife and I are more classical and jazz listeners and these are better for rock?  Suggestions appreciated!
@soix  maybe you and Dave could agree to meet up and duke it out.  I'm trying to get opinions on my post.  You seem like you want to have a personal argument that I would call unrelated. Furthermore, does anyone on this thread really care anymore about your defense of the speakers you don't own?  Jeez man.  You must not work for a living with the amount of time you are spending on this argument.  
bumping my last question since my post was once again co-opted by bickering.  My question was about active floorstanders, which I'll re-quote.  "After reading a review of the current Dynaudio Focus XD 60 and XEO line, I would be crazy not to consider actives for use in my home. Does anyone have an opinion based on their own listening experience about Dynaudio's active line or other similarly priced speakers that are active?"

An active can play loud which is a good thing. The Dynaudio loudspeakers are excellent.

You are pressurizing a very large room which requries large speakers.

Go to a concert you will see a large stack of loudspeakers as you lose 3db output for every 12 feet of distance.

In our opinion the Dynaudio is still not going to sound big enough for that space.

Innovative Audio sells Dynaudio so you should be able to demo a pair.

Gee Soix thanks for your coaching you seem out of date Absolute Sound reviewed the Zens in 2013 are they in the current recomended list now I dont think so.

Again you miss our point where is the Op going to hear a pair?

Last point if the companies cables werent competitive with Nordost or Wireworld and the AZ Addagio wasnt competive with the other speakers we sold dont you think we had valid points about the AZ line?

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Post removed 
@Igoler I’m truly sorry that this has sidetracked your thread, and no I have no desire to continue this argument. In fact, I hate that I have to do it but some things are just worth fighting for. You call it unrelated, but you’ve got 28 posts here so maybe it doesn’t mean as much to you as it does to many of us who have participated on and benefitted from this site for many years. But I do find it somewhat ironic you’re singling me out when I’m the one trying to preserve the integrity of this site while others seek to shamelessly turn it into a marketing vehicle for their own business.

BTW, people recommend things they don’t or haven’t owned here all the time, and I have heard the Crescendos, like audiotroy, at shows and also in a friend’s system. I have no vested interest in whether you buy the Crescendos or not -- I was just trying to potentially help you by recommending something maybe you hadn’t thought of that sounded like it could meet all your stated needs. And I’m not defending the speakers as much as I am my ability to make honest recommendations here without some retailer coming in and undermining it to push his own products. If you don’t see the problem or danger in that, then maybe I was just wasting my (and other people’s) time here. Guess we’ll see. Anyway, best of luck in finding what you’re looking for. Peace out.