An active can play loud which is a good thing. The Dynaudio loudspeakers are excellent.
You are pressurizing a very large room which requries large speakers.
Go to a concert you will see a large stack of loudspeakers as you lose 3db output for every 12 feet of distance.
In our opinion the Dynaudio is still not going to sound big enough for that space.
Innovative Audio sells Dynaudio so you should be able to demo a pair.
Gee Soix thanks for your coaching you seem out of date Absolute Sound reviewed the Zens in 2013 are they in the current recomended list now I dont think so.
Again you miss our point where is the Op going to hear a pair?
Last point if the companies cables werent competitive with Nordost or Wireworld and the AZ Addagio wasnt competive with the other speakers we sold dont you think we had valid points about the AZ line?
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
An active can play loud which is a good thing. The Dynaudio loudspeakers are excellent.
You are pressurizing a very large room which requries large speakers.
Go to a concert you will see a large stack of loudspeakers as you lose 3db output for every 12 feet of distance.
In our opinion the Dynaudio is still not going to sound big enough for that space.
Innovative Audio sells Dynaudio so you should be able to demo a pair.
Gee Soix thanks for your coaching you seem out of date Absolute Sound reviewed the Zens in 2013 are they in the current recomended list now I dont think so.
Again you miss our point where is the Op going to hear a pair?
Last point if the companies cables werent competitive with Nordost or Wireworld and the AZ Addagio wasnt competive with the other speakers we sold dont you think we had valid points about the AZ line?
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ