What used speakers raraely come up for sale

Lets keep it under $7,000 used, but interested to hear what used speakers rarely get listed for sale because they are so sought after and if they do appear they get snapped up very quickly?  Cheers

By golly, it looks like your ship might have just come in. Saw some Ascents listed here within the last couple days. Around $4K if I recall.
Martin Logan  SL3,JBL 4311Spica 50B&W 805
Candlewood speakers out of  production
Sanders Sound System or Innersound Eros(the older model).
Love them and you won't see them for sale from me but
you might see my Von Schweikert VR4 Genlll's soon.
ESS Super Quad---the original Quad ESL as midrange driver, RTR ESL tweeters, and a KEF B139 woofer in a transmissionline enclosure. Not many made and sold in the early-mid 70's. The Fulton "J" loudspeaker, a modular design achieving superb transparency and very full-range extension. It, like the ESS Super Quad, had the RTR ESL tweeters, State-of-The-Art at the time (mid-70's). And the Eminent Technology LFT-6---three LFT (Linear Field Transducer) bass/midrange drivers and two ribbon tweeters.