JVC tt-101 repair

Got a JVC QL-10 with a 120V TT-101. Speed is wonky. Sometimes plays fine, sometimes spins a 1000 RPM, somtimes runs forward & then backward. Could use some help.
"Gary, Even if re-soldering all those eyelets proves to be a cure for your issue, I still recommend attention to those electrolytic capacitors and also re-calibration. "

I very much intend to do that. I’ve talked to a fellow in Nashville who sounds like it’s up his alley. As far as the eyelets, I did not add any solder to them, just re-flowed what was there.
That’s great Lew.  I believe I raised humidity as a possible contributor - glad that seems to be it. 

"Reflow without new flux, etc. same advice applies."  
Dave did not mention it, I didn't think about it. Shows my limited knowledge. Just glad I didn't do more damage.
Nah, won't cause damage.  A lot of techs will reflow and add a bit of solder and it's usually not an issue, or it lasts long enough it doesn't matter.  This is one unit where every factor is against you, so the chance of joint failures is high.  I typically see excess solder leading to improperly formed filets, etc.  As long as you're not damaging the board no issue. 

The issue with Lews unit didn't recur here on its own.  I had to flex the board a good amount to get the joint to open, and that in turn caused other joint failures that needed fixed.  It's a bear to do right.