”But for anyone who thinks like this, if they are spending, or about to spend lots of time and money on a tweak, I’d expect they would actually want to know if that tweak actually alters the sound of the system, in reality. If someone really would rather not spend money on a false claim, then seeing the case for being skeptical can be quite enlightening or useful.
If you for instance take a look at the length many of the Michael Green "Tuners" go to, it’s really quite something to behold. Components taken apart, strewn between speakers, everything carefully arrange on special wood blocks etc. Now, If that’s what someone gets a kick out of doing...I would never want to say "don’t do it." Hey, everyone likes to have a hobby.
BUT...for anyone who really cares about not wasting their time and money on something that is only in their imagination - and I tend to doubt that many would choose to have the rather unsightly splaying of components and wires in their room if they didn’t think it was improving their sound - for those people seeing a skeptical case presented that they may be doing just that, can actually be beneficial.”
>>>Surely you must realize your latest volley of dismissive anti tweak jibber jabber has no relationship to honest debate or even supports your initial whinings that the claims of sound improvement are unprovable or deceptive or whatever. Now it appears you have chosen some sort of weird attack on the nature of Tuning, e. g., wasting their time, components taken apart, carefully arrange everything on special wooden blocks, unsightly splaying of components and wires, etc. I understand you don’t wish to walk the walk. You are obviously a rank beginner with a grudge. Could do do us a favor and refrain from trying to talk the talk? You never want to say “don’t do it?” Huh? Are you crazy. That’s exactly what you’re saying. Hel-loo! Fake! Fake! Fake!