I hate biasing!

I have owned the Audio Research Reference 75 for close to a year now and do not foresee it leaving the system anytime soon.  BUT...I am continually challenged by lining up the biasing stick with the screw associated with biasing each side each side of the amp...If you own this amp would appreciate any shortcuts you have found which streamlines the time it takes to correctly position into the screw.

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We used to put heat-shrink on all our screwdrivers for that exact reason back in the day in the service dept. It also avoided shorting against the chassis if there were voltages present.

I own a Ref 150 SE and have to bias 8 KT-150 tubes.  Can't say I love manual biasing either.  

FWIW, I think ARC just came out with Ref 160 mono block amps that have an auto bias circuit.  No more fuss or mess.  

Interesting change of philosophy at ARC. I recall many years ago a conversation I had with either Lenard or Kal about the benefits of manual biasing.  One or both of them told me that ARC thought that an auto biasing circuit would in someway degrade the purity of the signal path.  Perhaps ARC's R&D folks figured out a way to insert an auto bias circuit that is more benign to the circuit, …  or maybe the original philosophy was just bogus. Dunno. 

Whatever the reason, I surmise that ARC's original philosophy at the time was sincere. I gotta believe that the marginal cost increase associated with adding auto biasing components was de minimis when compared to the MRSP of the amp.


Hey Liz, … is that you.  Are you back??  I've been off the Gon for some time.  If it's you, glad to see you posting again.  :)  BIF
I now own the Carver Raven 350 Tube amps. Though the adjustment is on the back and the meter is in the front. One adjustment and all tubes are set.
