oppo 205 vs sepearate DAC or CD player.. should I bother?

I am currently using an Oppo 205 as my digital source, and I primarily listen from classic Rock to heavier music. Sound Garden, NIN etc.

Are differences in these recordings even worth going for a stand alone CD player or DAC?

I recently picked up a ML 326S pre, and I am tempted to look for a used 390S to match. The 512 is way out of the budget. I am thinking 2-3k.

System is listed under my systems.



I really like The ML house sound, not sure how far I want to drift from it. What mods were done?
i have an AES Audioquest Wild on loan, going to try a Shunyata as well. 

The ML mods were similar to my standard Transport mods:

1) replace the Master Clock with a better oscillator and supporting circuits

2) improve power to the Master Clock circuits

3) redesign the S/PDIF output stage so that it is fast and precisely matched to 75 ohms output impedance

If you want a really good S/PDIF cable:



High-performance S/DIF cables are BNC-BNC cables with RCA adapters as needed.  RCA connectors can never properly terminate 75 ohm coax cables.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio