My current setup in the lounge is crammed with surround speakers, 16awg speaker cable off the reel (99.9% OFC) @$3/m, cables mixed with power boards and power cables and ethernet cables in the back of an entertainment cabinet, an amplifier in one of the cabinet ends (cooled with a computer fan cut into one end) and an OPPO-105, Yamaha Tuner and a mini computer in the other end cabinet (cooled the same as the other) and 2 NAS units either side of the centre speaker, and a 65" Samsung sitting on top in the middle of the L & R main speakers, oh and the Sub sitting to one end on the wood floor. No spikes, nothing special apart from an Isotek conditioner.
I still get fantastic sound out of stereo music or surround movies. I certainly don't see the need for change. But change will happen when our new home is built and I get a separate music room. I just ordered my equipment stands. 6 chunky coffee tables (@$125ea), 2 for the turntables and pre at the front and 4 double stacked for the other stuff at the side of the room. Upgrade of speakers mean I'll use 3 matching chunky lamp tables @$99) for the LCR speakers up front. I'll use some felt on the feet so the herringbone French Oak floors don't get scratched. The other speakers will fit at their required places as will the 2 new Subs. Same telly on the wall, the room will be great and I have spare change! Who says I need high brow wires and interconnects? May be I am a realist with my money vs the great sound I appreciate.