elevating pistonic behavior to the same importance as time/phase correct behavior.Some designers think that pistonic behavior is *more* important, but might as well achieve both if you can!
require a technology different from the current carbon / balsa conesYes, RV's carbon technology is unlikely to trickle down to affordable price points. Thiel drivers got pretty close. The CS3.7 midrange was said to have a break up point "well above" 20K cycles. This behavior is especially important with XOs using slow roll-off filters (ie, first order).
I have Thiel CS2.4s. The midrange diaphragms on these are not ribbed like those of the CS3.7. Still, the aluminum is stiff enough to that the break up mode is well suppressed despite the first order filter (chart 3):https://www.soundstagenetwork.com/measurements/thiel_cs24/