The best, or most correct ADC is always the place to start and that can be as big a minefield as DACs. Not necessarily the most expensive in a financial range, but the most well and properly implemented.
There is a fundamental problem, a fundamental flaw in digital that originates from analog ...and it is poorly recognized and not well dealt with. Since it remains untamed, you’ll see little to nothing of it mentioned in ADC makers paperwork and in the general sales pitch for ADC chips and ADC devices. It’s bad marketing to mention a fundamental flaw that is endemic to the entire area of endeavor.
It’s akin to all audio, in where you finally hear the flaw in the given item or product and then it cannot be unheard.
And if it’s in the ADC you chose, it will be in everything you’ve recorded. Thus step doubly, nay, quadruply careful - in the act of selecting an ADC.
With all that in mind, it is easy to familiarize yourself with the concept and act, by buying one at some minimal price/cost level, and start playing. Get the inevitable mistakes over with and become the cheap end of the exploration pool.
There is a fundamental problem, a fundamental flaw in digital that originates from analog ...and it is poorly recognized and not well dealt with. Since it remains untamed, you’ll see little to nothing of it mentioned in ADC makers paperwork and in the general sales pitch for ADC chips and ADC devices. It’s bad marketing to mention a fundamental flaw that is endemic to the entire area of endeavor.
It’s akin to all audio, in where you finally hear the flaw in the given item or product and then it cannot be unheard.
And if it’s in the ADC you chose, it will be in everything you’ve recorded. Thus step doubly, nay, quadruply careful - in the act of selecting an ADC.
With all that in mind, it is easy to familiarize yourself with the concept and act, by buying one at some minimal price/cost level, and start playing. Get the inevitable mistakes over with and become the cheap end of the exploration pool.