JAM by Duelund

Has anyone tried these new reasonably priced tinned copper caps from Duelund in any positions?


No, I only used them in crossovers and on the output of a digital amp....parallel position where it acted as a filter.  
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Hi Grannyring,
What values of Jupiter capacitors did you bypass with Duelund bypass capacitors?
Does it work well with 0.1uF Jupiter?
You can use the Duelund .01 uf bypass caps on smaller value high voltage caps in electronics coupling and output positions as well as speaker tweeter and midrange caps as large as 15uf etc.... I have used them in both with good results. 
I have not tried the  small Juputer caps in bypass positions.  
Hi Grannyring,
Thank you for advice. You are single person on Audiogon who answered my questions.
Sorry. My English is not perfect. But I'm a new comer in Canada and English is my 4th language. Audio is my hobby during last 20 years. Jupiter capacitors in my phonostage are continuing to break in.
The sound is still changing. It was a little bit thin. After that, it was too lush. Now it becoming slowly more neutral.
When it settle done, I will decide if I need to add bypass capacitors or Jupiters without bypass are good enough.
In any case I afraid to bypass 0.1uF capacitor (because it is before RIAA correction) and results can be unpredictable. If I need, I will bypass 1uF output capacitor.