Tonearm Suggestions For Technics Sp15 Under 5k

Im going to get a Technics Sp15 and looking for the perfect musical Arm that is a synergistic match for it. Any suggestions?
It must be "10.5 or "12 inch tonearm to mount it, it will be impossible to mount ’9 inch tonearm, so first check pivot to spindle distance.

Under 3k you can get Technics EPA-100 mkII rarity or short version of brand new Reed 3P. I assume you can’t believe that classic inexpensive tonearm can be really good, so i will not recommend nice arms under 1k.

On  you will find various options, different models with different armwands of different mass. Up to you, i can only prove that Reed is outstanding tonearms, i’ve been using my 3P Cocobolo "12 on my ex SP-10mkII and it was huge upgrade over the EPA-100 (but not mkII).  

With Reed 3p you can adjust not only VTA on the fly (super smooth and precisely), but also cartridge azymuth on the fly! Imagine this (very important for carts with advanced styli). I don’t know any other tonearm with azymuth on the fly! Reed is a top class high-end tonearm, i think "12 inch version is under 5k Euro new.
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@chakster please don't hold back any suggestions regardless of price. The least pricey that sounds as good or better than much more expensive the better. you were thinking Jelco right?