Cardas Cables

After having an amazing experience with a Cardas headphone cable for my Focal Utopia headphones, I am really getting an itch to replace my existing speaker cables (XLO UltraPlus) with Cardas cable.

Anyone familiar with Cardas speaker cables?

Based on current lineup, I really like the "Clear" version, but I cannot afford it, so looking for used.

I see several used cables for sale from Cardas, but they all appear to be previous models. And I have no clue which ones are the equivalent with current "Clear".

I see Neutral Reference, Cross, Golden Cross, etc.

Any help is appreciated!
@lowrider57  My Speakers are Revel f208, soon to be replaced by Revel f228Be on order.

Gear: Ayre QX-5, V-5xe, and K-1xe
That’s some fine gear. I know Focals have good high end extension and clarity.
The Neutral Reference are very neutral, a different signature than the Cardas house sound, and the Cross are very coloured and warm, lacking detail.

The question now is which line of Cardas will play well between an Ayre amp and Focal speakers. You can audition cables thru The Cable Company, but since you are buying used, hopefully you’ll get some recommendations now that you have listed your components.
If you are looking for transparency and dynamics, the newer Cardas would be the way to go.

Right. Sorry, I meant Revel. And i updated my post to suggest the Clear line for transparency and dynamics.
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