geoffkait “Ah, the curious, probing mind of the audio skeptic. Why do receptacles need burn in? Why do cables need burn in? Why do fuses need burn in? Why do capacitors need burn in? Why does contact enhancer need burn in? Why, why, why?! Sweet mystery of life. Why do the stars go on shining? Why do the birds go on singing?”
Yes, what a terribly strange thing to wonder why and ask for explanations and evidence, instead of just taking things on faith and singing hallelujah with the choir.
>>>>What’s strange is the incessant longwinded barrage of self satisfied pseudo skepticism and anti tweak rhetoric spewed out. What makes it even creepier, if possible, is your confession that tweaks don’t really do anything in your system.
How’s your cult going geoff? Are your members numbering above "1" yet? ;-)
>>>In case you weren’t paying attention, Professor, I am one of the biggest sellers and have the most positive feedback, on the way to 4,000, thank you very much, extant on Audiogon. Your wit not withstanding. Well half of one, anyway. I’ll have to start calling you The Absent Minded Professor.