Why so many linn lp12s for sale

Has anyone noticed that suddenly Agon has numerous linn lp 12s for sale?
Today I counted 8! Is there something going on.....are they going out of style . Or is this just random sales fluctuation?
Not always the TT. I was thinking of trading in my Linn a few months ago. I had a CJ ET3 SE and the sound was okay but no excitement. Dynamics seemed flat. I took home a Luxman CL38U-SE and the whole system changed. Dynamics, horns, strings etc. In my case it was the preamp not the TT.  
One of the things I love about the new Technics 1200g is that it is very neutral.  It does not homogenize music.  You hear what is there, no more, no less.  I have found in the past that I found myself listening to a few records in my collection that sounded great.  Now, every record I put on sounds great and different.  It does not matter if it is an original Pines of Rome Shaded Dog or the newer Hot Rocks reissue.  Jazz sounds amazing on the 1200G as the left hand on the piano is very alive and timing is impeccable.  Bass is very good, very tuneful.  The LP12 I listened to was about 20 grand.  I like the 1200G better.  I see and hear why people like the LP12 as it does sound very good, very deep and big stage but there is something that the 1200g does that I have not heard very often in analog.  I cannot even imagine how good the new reference tables must sound.  The new 1200GR and 1200G may be the best values in audio today.