Anyway, it can be like that. Some value normalcy over acts of open noticing of the silliness of some of the frameworks of this thing we are in, and so called space we occupy.
Fitting in and dancing the square dance of life with everyone else creates enough cohesion and stability to notice.... but too much cohesion creates a sameness that is pretty well synonymous with death.
In there somewhere is this lurching thing we call humanity, it moves like a drunken car slamming off the road barrier on one side, over to the other. If it were stable, that would just be another form of death.
Sameness is sameness in any context an it is dangerous to the growth and continuance of intelligence, but too much chaos breaks down the frameworks which intelligence attempts to create itself in.
So who’s to say in the end? Some human, or human organization... with a limited view? I don’t think so....