I am a Wilson Audio dealer. Richard Vandersteen is now becoming a good friend. You picked 2 designers who agree 100% on time alignment. have been around forever. If God had a living room and a family room, he would have a Wilson and a Vandersteen.They both have similar design principles. Hence their products sound right to you. I have not heard a Quattro CT so I will not comment on that speaker.
The Wilson Sabrina is in my opinion a speaker that is very easy to place in rooms. She somehow disappears more than any other Wilson speaker. The new Soft Dome tweeter blends so well with the mid-range.
The Bass reproduction is amazing. Very true and attainable. I stock all colors and love setting them us as they are very electronics friendly as the Sabrina sounds great with Arcam, NAD and Dan D Agostino. I hope this helps.