Running DCS Vivladi DIRECT?

Hey Folks,

Anybody out there who cares to comment on running the Vivaldi DAC direct  to the Power amp.

Please compare with running through your favorite preamp and elucidate the differences.

Thanks & keep enjoying our hobby!

Ag insider logo xs@2xsthekepat
42k for the VTL MB450III, but not sure why that’s relevant as I’ve never tried driving them direct from the DCS ...
I have run my Vivaldi DAC directly into my ARC Ref 250SE’s and felt running the DAC into my Ref 10 preamp gives better sound - I agree with Folkfreak the line stage in the Vivaldi is not as good as it should be - especially for the money.
I run my Vivaldi into an ARC Ref 40 and this is a great combination, the RF then drives 10M of balanced cable to my amps - something the Vivaldi would not be comfortable with at all

I agree with Folkfreak the line stage in the Vivaldi is not as good as it should be - especially for the money.

This has to be a subjective colouration/distortion preference statement, or something was horribly wrong, one needs to look at from an electronic engineering viewpoint.
The output stage of the Vivaldi (2.3ohms at 6v) will be far better at driving anything than what the AR Ref40 can possibly hope to. As this graph of the Vivaldi shows driving into an horrendously evil load of 600ohms!!!
The AR Ref 40 has no chance in the world of doing these figures.
Fig.16 shows the output spectrum as the DAC drives a full-scale 50Hz tone at 6V into 600 ohms. The only distortion harmonics visible are the third, at –130dB (0.00003%) in both channels, and the second, at –126dB (0.00005%) in the left channel (blue trace). Intermodulation distortion was also vanishingly low.

Cheers George
Here we go again, turning this into another preamp or no preamp thread...
george, we have heard your arguments ad nauseam. Let's not go through them one more time...., please.
 I suspect that quite a few feel as you to no avail.
The continued beating of the proverbial dead horse.